Since the public announcement of near-field coupled magnetic-field based resonant wireless power transfer (WPT) in 2006, wireless charging technology has been undergoing significant development. Since then standards bodies such as Qi Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) as well as PMA/Airfuel Alliance have been formed, among which, Qi WPC has been the main driving force in advancing and establishing the standards for the WPT and wireless charging.
Different wireless chargers including 5W legacy and 15W next-generation have been certified and utilized in the market. With the success at these power levels the industry is leaping for the next big step to hit the market with the power levels of 30W, 45W, 60W, and beyond. The application for these power levels could involve laptops, drones, autonomous robots, power tools, etc.
The near-field wireless power transfer operates based on the magnetic-filed coupling of the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) coils. The magnetic field is stablished with alternative current (ac) at different frequencies including radio frequency (RF), resonant, or near resonant frequencies, where the latter is designed for inductive charging. Figure 1 depicts a near-field coupled WPT/WC system. Depending on the switching frequency of the TX driver as well as LC tanks resonant frequency the system could be designed to operate in one of the three aforementioned operation modes.
The TX driver output is an ac voltage with a fundamental frequency at which the system is designed for. This voltage supplies the TX LC tank with an ac current establishing a magnetic field in the TX coil. When a wireless power receiver is at the presence of this filed, the coupling between the TX and RX coils induces an ac voltage across the RX coil which yields to an ac voltage at the input of RX rectifier. This ac voltage is then rectified to either charge a battery or supply a load.
The deceptively simple appearance of this system has demanded enormous effort from EE engineers to improve its efficiency and reliability in competition with the wire-based chargers. Although, 5W WC systems have shown a promising dependability and met the market’s demand, the 15W is still challenging the technology leading companies and agencies. The challenge is not only optimizing the systems for a higher efficiency but also their reliability is highly dependent on the communication system between TX and RX. The communication system provides a negotiation mechanism through which the TX and RX establish a power transfer agreement. The traditional communication between the TX and RX in the 5W systems has been based on a low-bandwidth in-band communication where the message is modulated on top of the power signals at its origin and then is demodulated from the power signals at its destination. The in-band modulation is usually implemented through amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK), or phase shift keying (PSK), or a combination of these methods. It can be conceived that this communication method could be affected by the dynamics of the power signal. Therefore, the gateway to the higher reliability of WC systems at power levels of 15W and beyond is enhancing their communication robustness independent from the power signals dynamics and therefore improving overall system reliability. The possible solution could be the out-of-band communication with high bandwidth and bit rate such as Bluetooth, NFC, or similar technologies.
Development of higher power WC systems for applications where simultaneous power and data transfer are needed could be a revolutionary transition to a cord-less world. The application of these WCs in consumer electronics, especially in laptops would be the beginning of an integrated wireless charging and data transfer unit. In this outlook a transmitter unit, e.g., a laptop docking station at the power levels of 45 – 200 Watts could be utilized as both power and data transfer wireless link. At the front-line of battle between the wired and wireless world a technology leader such as Spark Connected is fulfilling its mission towards Powering the world, wirelessly™ by developing the most advance and reliable 45 – 200 Watts WPT and WC systems.
Malek Ramezani
Senior Power Electronics Engineer
PhD in Electrical Engineering from The University of Alabama
Co-chair for Foreign Object Detection (FOD) at the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC/Qi)
Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades of combined deep domain expertise.
Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium.
Please forward inquiries to: Marina Wolf/Ruwanga Dassanayake (972) 855-8026 sales(at)
Automobile leading-edge technologies allow us to do other “tasks” in addition to actually driving, and a large percentage of these evolve around the handset.
Recently, the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC or “Qi”) technology won the technology battle and is now the low power standard for handsets. This fact was further cemented with implementation of the Qi technology by all leading worldwide handset makers.
Power Systems Design CISPR 25 Class 5 Initial Testing 100 KHz – 30 MHz
Car models, with wireless charging available, is now at 100+ models which equates to over 12 million (2.4M OEM, 9.7M after market) vehicles having Qi based systems installed in 2018 alone. The majority are Qi Baseline Power Profile (BPP) or 5W systems. The new direction is for faster charging and higher power, via compliance with the Qi Extended Power Profile (EPP) or 15W capability. This faster charging convenience comes with additional technical hurdles that must be overcome. The three main issues being EMI compliance, efficiency and thermal limitations.
The 15W System
Within the WPC standard, there are sub-categories (e.g. MP-A9) that specify various aspects of the system and configuration of the transmit (Tx) coil that is used. Done for interoperability purposes, the standard defines: input DC voltage, Tx coil size and shape, frequency control (e.g. fixed), power level, and power control (voltage/frequency/phase/duty cycle). The 15W Tx input voltage is 12V, with coil voltages up to 100V due to the resonance mode of operation, and thus has both elevated magnetic (H) and electrical (E) fields meaning potentially stronger radiated noise than Qi BPP 5W systems.
EMI Issues and Solutions
On newer vehicles, numerous RF systems need to co-exist and ensure that they do not affect anything else such as: AM/FM radio, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, telematics, etc. A few of these RF systems operate within the 87-205 KHz (up to 300 KHz) frequency range of the Qi EPP system and/or low harmonics. AM radio, 525 KHz to 1705 KHz (in the Americas), is required to be EMI free as it is used as part of the Emergency Broadcast System. New remote keyless entry systems (RKE) operate at 125 KHz as do some tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) for driving the initiator L-C (inductance-capacitance) coil circuit.
Automotive applications have very stringent EMI requirements. CISPR 25 (Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques) is a non-regulatory engineering automotive standard that sets conducted and radiated emission limits that must be met for the protection of other on-board receivers and defines these limits over a frequency range of 150 KHz to 2500 MHz.
Within CISPR 25, there are classes defining permitted conducted and radiated noise emissions limits, with radiated being the real concern. The radiated Class limits versus bands are given in Table 1 for Peak, Quasi-peak and Average measured voltage up through the FM radio band.
Table 1 – CISPR 25 Radiated Limits by Class
With the increased Qi EPP power levels, meeting Class 4 has been a challenge and to date, no Class 5 system is available in the market. Actual CISPR 25 Class 5 measurement data is provided in Figure 1.
From the plot, this design does not fully pass Class 5 certification but does meet Class 4 requirements. The following sections address some key EMI noise mitigation areas used in the system design.
The first approach of mitigating EMI noise is implementing a fixed frequency system. The Qi standard allows for variable frequency to better “tune” the two sides to improve performance. A changing frequency would make complying with the CISPR 25 stringent EMI noise limits even more problematic. For current Qi EPP designs, the fixed frequency is around 127 KHz.
The next technique is to remove the Tx coil square wave currents and have them be sinusoidal. This approach reduces the noise “spikes” that could be otherwise generated. Using an inductor in the drive circuitry smooths out the square wave current created by the turning ON/OFF of the switches (MOSFETs) and helps to ensure that the switching scheme is “clean” and noise free.
Further EMI suppression can be realized with the addition of a common mode filter (CMF) placed in series with the Tx coil windings. Current through the Tx coil is pure alternating current (AC), which can be considered as 100% ripple current, and has no direct current (DC) content like many power supplies which involve DC current and some allowable ripple current. Therefore, selection of the ferrite material used for this CMF is important and AC core losses must be minimized at the 127 KHz fixed frequency.
Another EMI noise suppression technique is to add EMI suppression magnetic sheets to absorb harmonics and spurious unwanted noise that may emit out of the backside of the main Tx shield. The magnetic sheets remove EMI noise via two methods. First, higher permeability (µ’) of these materials yields better shielding (containment) performance of the magnetic flux (φ) and reduces it from being radiated. Next, higher resistive properties (µ”) yield better noise suppression through higher core losses for the unwanted frequencies’ flux fields remove the EMI noise in the form of heat. This relationship is given in Equation 1.
µ = µ’ – jµ” Eq. 1
But having too high of a µ’ value can decrease performance. Due to a phenomenon called magnetic coupling (K), having an additional magnetic sheet can shift the inductance value of the Tx coil and de-tune the circuit and move it away from the desired fixed frequency.
Lastly, there are non-magnetic materials that also suppress EMI noise. The challenge is to obtain a material that can provide attenuation without simply reflecting the EMI noise. Silver alloy based films with low surface resistances (~4 ohms/square) have been used and demonstrate improved EMI noise suppression of problematic harmonics up to 1 MHz. These non-magnetic sheets, placed on top of the Tx coil windings, tend to better suppress E fields than H fields.
The Tx coil comes with its own magnetic shield which contains desired magnetic flux generated by the sinusoidal electrical current going through the winding. For the operating frequency (127 KHz), the shielding material is selected to have higher µ’ and lower µ” as to not attenuate the desired magnetic flux field. This shield contains the wanted magnetic flux and also some of the harmonic flux, thus becoming part of the of the overall EMI compliance solution.
Efficiency – Wireless Power System Factors
Figure 2 – Standard WPC MP-A9 Tx Coil
With no direct electrical connection between charger (Tx side) and the receive (Rx) device, power is transferred between the two sides via an H field created by electrical current flowing through the Tx coil. The Rx coil captures this H field and converts it to an electrical current through the Rx winding. The mechanism for this process is magnetic coupling and is impacted by alignment between the two coils (X and Y), the separation distance (Z gap) and the orientation (parallel).
In an automotive application, orientation is controlled by the flat center console area surface. Alignment is addressed currently by a 3 distinct windings Tx coil and with built-in control intelligence, the Qi system determines which winding is best aligned. This 3 windings coil provides some positional freedom but only in one axis. An example of a MP-A9 coil is shown in Figure 2.
This 3 windings coil is not a system requirement, but is the “norm”. There are current efforts to have a 2 windings coil configuration for smaller vehicles to reduce both size and cost, with the trade-off being alignment and possibly reduced efficiency.
The Z direction gap is more of a challenge due to the original Qi standard specifying the maximum magnetic shield-shield distance as <5 mm, and not the coil winding-winding distance. The shields are used for: 1) shielding the H field from objects behind the coils, 2) shaping/directing/containing the H field, 3) helping to set the inductance values, and 4) providing the mechanism for magnetic coupling, a function of the distance between the two magnetic shields. Therefore, for in-vehicle applications, with a Rx coil winding thickness of up to 1.0 mm, a 1.0 mm phone back cover thickness, a phone protection case up to 3.0 mm and then a center console thickness of 2.0 mm, a Tx winding structure thickness of 2.5 mm, all means the actual shield-shield Z gap distance is 9-10 mm, which assumes no gap between the phone case and the center console. As the coupling factor decreases with Z gap distance, pressure is put unto the Tx side to compensate for the lower coupling by requiring more Tx input current to maintain the power required on the Rx side. Since the electrical load does not change, requiring more input current to maintain the same output power is another way of saying decreased efficiency. This is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Efficiency Vs. Z Gap using WPC A11 Tx Coil, 5V Rx Output
This testing used two Rx coil sizes, with and without having a battery located behind the Rx coil. The efficiency rolls off as the Z gap increases between the coils. The Qi system also operates with in-band communication and when coupling (K) is low, communication may cease and stop power transmission. This was the case for the bottom orange curve so all testing was terminated at 11 mm. For Qi EPP systems, the higher currents will help with coupling, but it is important to understand what the real-world Z gap is.
Higher coil winding currents also create higher wire losses. There is both a coil’s DC resistance (DCR) value and AC resistance (ACR or RAC) value, with wire loss being related to RAC and is shown in Equation 2.
PLOSS = I2 x RAC Eq.2
I – Tx coil winding AC current
RAC – resistance at operating frequency
Higher current systems also generate more magnetic flux (φ) and higher core losses within the Tx coil magnetic shield. Typical curves, for various magnetic materials, are shown in Figure 4 for core loss (Pcv) versus magnetic flux density (B), with Ni-Zn and Mn-Zn being types of ferrite.
Figure 4 – Magnetic Shield Core Loss vs. Magnetic Flux Density
Flux density is related to the magnetic field and is supplied by magnetic core suppliers in the material’s B-H curve. The relationship between current and the H field is given in Equation 3.
H ∝ N x I Eq. 3
N – the coil’s number of winding pattern turns
I – Tx coil winding AC current
In wireless charging systems, the alignment and Z gap parameters cannot be controlled by the auto-maker. How and where the user places the handset into the console area, what type of protective case is used, internal Rx coil size and shape, whether the handset shifts during acceleration and braking, all will impact efficiency.
Efficiency – Tx Power Topology Factors
A key efficiency improving technique is to use a Push-Pull converter drive scheme. The Push-Pull converter supplies the Tx coil current by a set of switches in a synchronized timing scheme. The switches are alternately switched ON and OFF, thereby cycling the direction of the current through the coil during both halves of the switching cycle, unlike other topologies (e.g. Bucks) that rely on stored energy within passive devices to supply current during the switch’s OFF period. Also implemented with Push-Pulls, is a short “dead” time with no current, ensuring both switches are not ON (sourcing current) at the same time which would cause damage to the supply. Overall, Push-Pull converters have steadier input current over other power topologies, generate less EMI noise, and are more efficient in higher power applications.
A technique also used is called Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) or “soft” switching. In order to reduce losses during the turning ON/OFF of the switches, the system ensures that prior to the switching process, there is no voltage across the switch. This eliminates the possibility of having current flowing through the switch with an applied voltage. Having ZVS therefore reduces switching losses and substantially improves efficiency. Timing control is therefore a key requirement.
Another advantage of ZVS is it reduces harmonics. Reducing the harmonics assists in complying with the CISPR 25 requirements. This is included here as it also plays a key part in efficiency. In the Qi system, the Tx and Rx side circuits’ L-C networks are tuned to a specific frequency. Harmonic energy is wasted as the tuned Rx circuit will rectify little energy outside of its tuned frequency range.
Thermal Issues
Losses in wireless power systems come from the circuit components, wires and cores on both the Tx and Rx sides, and coupling losses to bridge the air gap between the two coils. Within the auto-maker’s control are only the Tx side wire, core and the circuit component losses, including the PCB, and all lead to increased temperature. Auto-makers have very stringent temperature rise limitations and is usually at +10oC rise over ambient temperature.
Magnetic core losses are dependent on the material’s characteristics. The key parameters are: material type used, i.e., ferrite or powdered iron, the thickness of the shield, the operating frequency (creating inner-material losses), and the magnetic field flux density. Temperature can have an impact but limits set by the auto-makers have ensured that the temperature has no real impact on core losses.
For the Tx coil, multi-strand litz wire is used to reduce AC losses as the frequency increases, which are due to a phenomenon called “skin effect”. Simply stated, as the frequency increases, more current flows closer (higher current density) to the wire’s outer surface and utilizes less of the cross sectional area. This creates increased resistance, which increases wire loss and temperature rise. Litz wire creates much more overall wire surface area and helps reduce AC resistance over standard single strand wire. As the power and current requirement levels continue to go up, the need to use higher stand litz wire continues. Balancing performance, thermal issues, wire diameter and coil size then become key aspects of in-vehicle systems.
Taming the Beast
Using a Spark Connected 15W automotive Tx module aptly called the “Beast”, which implements all of the aforementioned EMI suppression and efficiency improvement techniques. Testing was done comparing the Tx coil’s shield material type and thickness. Four ferrite and one powdered iron based materials were tested and results were obtained for efficiency and thermal conditions. These are provided in Table 2.
Table 2 – Tx Shield Material vs. Thickness vs. Efficiency Paired with a 50 mm x 40 mm, 8.22 uH Rx Coil
In the Temperature column, Tx shield corner (Cnr) and center (Ctr) measurements are provided for the worse-case scenario of a 0.3 mm thick shield and are for ambient + self-temperature rise values.
Regardless of the shielding material, all maximum efficiencies were for the thicker shields (with 3 sheets of 0.3 mm MS8 used). This also coincides with the thicker shields creating higher inductances which helps in the coupling factor through increased mutual inductance (Lm). Table 2 also shows that the higher µ’ material, FT2, exhibits the highest efficiency across all thicknesses. There are other loss sources and system factors that come into play and the data does not address these. One of these is related to the Tx coil inductance. Since the resonant circuitry was tuned for the FT2 material and its initial inductance value, coupling will shift the inductance values and de-tuned the circuit and reduced efficiency. In design practice, attention would be given to re-tuning the circuit by adjusting capacitance.
As currents continue to increase for higher power applications, the magnetic flux density saturation (Bs) values of the shield materials need to be known. If saturation occurs, a percentage of the magnetic flux will escape out the back, reducing efficiency and causing additional heating via Eddy currents on any metal in close proximity.
Revisiting the plot in Figure 1, another EMI test was conducted by applying a metalized film over the Tx coil to help suppress low frequency harmonic spikes prevalent in the plot. The EMI suppression approach vastly improved the even numbered harmonics up through the 6th harmonic or 762 KHz. This new plot is shown in Figure 5. Needed still, is improvement in the 1-2 MHz range as the Quasi-Peak values are slightly above their limits in. However, the design was certified for Class 4.
Figure 5 – CISPR 25 Class 5 Testing 100 KHz to 30 MHz with Metalized Film
What’s Next for Vehicles
The Tx system makers have already begun preliminary design work in the 30-45W range, addressing tablets and lower power notebooks. The idea is that the in-vehicle Tx locations could be behind the headrests of the front seats or lower in the pouches for persons sitting in the back seats, allowing for continuous operation of the device being wirelessly powered or recharging of the battery.
Even though this power range is early in its development cycle, there is already early talk about increasing the power level up to 65-90W. With each step in power, the more critical the design becomes in addressing EMI, efficiency and thermals.
The author would like to thank:
1) The power gurus from Spark Connected, Ken Moore, Emanuel Stingu and Yulong Hou, for their knowledge and testing data for “The Beast“.
2) National Technical Solutions, in Plano, TX, who performed the CISPR 25 testing.
Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades of combined deep domain expertise.
Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium.
Please forward inquiries to: Marina Wolf/Ruwanga Dassanayake (972) 855-8026 sales(at)
Spark Connected, a global leader in developing advanced and innovative wireless power technology and system level solutions, has been elected to another co-chair position at the Wireless Power Consortium.
Spark Connected, a global leader in developing advanced and innovative wireless power technology and system level solutions, has been elected to another co-chair position at the Wireless Power Consortium.
Malek Ramezani, Senior Power Electronics Systems Engineer at Spark Connected, has been elected as the Co-Chair of the WPC Enhanced Foreign Object Detection Task Force (EFOD TF).
This task force works towards enhancing the current FOD approaches of Qi-certified wireless power solutions as well as developing new FOD practices to promote and guarantee the safe operation of any wireless power system seeking Qi certification.
About WPC
Established in 2008, the Wireless Power Consortium is an open, collaborative standards development group of more than 500 member companies from around the globe. WPC’s member companies are large and small competitors and ecosystem partners representing brands from all parts of the industry and all parts of the globe. Members collaborate with a single purpose: worldwide compatibility of all wireless chargers and wireless power sources.
As wireless charging continues to evolve beyond consumer handheld devices, there are myriad of other new applications, such as laptops, tablets, drones, robots, connected car and the intelligent cordless kitchen. The WPC maintains and develops standards for a variety of different wireless power applications. This includes:
The Qi standard, for smartphones and other portable mobile devices. Qi delivers up to 15W today. A future extension will also deliver up to 60W to enable laptop charging in addition to charging smartphones and other portable mobile devices with wide positioning freedom.
The Medium Power standard, a simple low-cost solution delivering 30 – 200W for power tools, robotic vacuum cleaners, e-bikes, and other battery-powered devices that don’t require compatibility with the Qi standard for mobile phones charging.
With more than 5000 different Qi Certified wireless charging products in the market, the WPC uses a network of independent authorized test labs around the globe that test specific properties for safety, interoperability, and usability. Spark Connected is proud to serve on these committees and task forces, and advance the future of wireless charging and power in the market.
Malek Ramezani, Senior Power Electronics Systems Engineer
Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades of combined deep domain expertise.
Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium.
Please forward inquiries to: Marina Wolf/Ruwanga Dassanayake (972) 855-8026 sales(at)
Spark Connected, a global leader in developing advanced and innovative wireless power technology and system level solutions, has been elected to co-chair positions at the Wireless Power Consortium.
Spark Connected, a global leader in developing advanced and innovative wireless power technology and system level solutions, has been elected to co-chair positions at the Wireless Power Consortium.
Ken Moore, CEO, was elected to the Co-Chair of the WPC Mobile/Laptop Task Force. This task force develops an extension of the Qi Specification that enables laptop charging up to 60W and maintains compatibility with Qi chargers and Qi receivers.
Emanuel Stingu, CTO, was elected to both the Co-Chair of the Automotive Application Group and the New Power Transmitter Review Task Force. The Automotive Application Group discusses requirements for implementing Qi in automotive applications and works to support the WPC members that develop applications in the automotive space voice their concerns and implement solutions that improve the safety and the reliability of the Qi standard.
The New Power Transmitter Review Task Force helps member companies innovate and at the same time guarantee that every new TX design is well designed, safe and fully interoperable, and introduces the 30W-45W transmitter types in the Qi specification.
About WPC
Established in 2008, the Wireless Power Consortium is an open, collaborative standards development group of more than 500 member companies from around the globe. WPC’s member companies are large and small competitors and ecosystem partners representing brands from all parts of the industry and all parts of the globe. Members collaborate with a single purpose: worldwide compatibility of all wireless chargers and wireless power sources.
As wireless charging continues to evolve beyond consumer handheld devices, there are myriad of other new applications, such as laptops, tablets, drones, robots, connected car and the intelligent cordless kitchen. The WPC maintains and develops standards for a variety of different wireless power applications. This includes:
The Qi standard, for smartphones and other portable mobile devices. Qi delivers up to 15W today. A future extension will also deliver up to 60W to enable laptop charging in addition to charging smartphones and other portable mobile devices with wide positioning freedom.
The Medium Power standard, a simple low-cost solution delivering 30 – 200W for power tools, robotic vacuum cleaners, e-bikes, and other battery-powered devices that don’t require compatibility with the Qi standard for mobile phones charging.
With more than 5000 different Qi Certified wireless charging products in the market, the WPC uses a network of independent authorized test labs around the globe that test specific properties for safety, interoperability, and usability. Spark Connected is proud to serve on these committees and task forces, and advance the future of wireless charging and power in the market.
Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades of combined deep domain expertise.
Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium.
Please forward inquiries to: Marina Wolf/Ruwanga Dassanayake (972) 855-8026 sales(at)
The 80-Watt wireless power solution named The Ogre, consists of both a high-power transmitter and companion high-power receiver. This technology can be ideal for applications such as automated vacuum cleaners, unmanned drones and inventory management robots. The system offers high efficiency, robust performance, foreign object detection (FOD) and the ability to hermetically seal products to protect systems from moisture and dust, which can be advantageous in factory environments.
“With the rapidly evolving manufacturing technology trends in Industry 4.0, planning for power management and battery charging continues to be a critical element in the transition. Wireless power can be a formidable tool that can solve key challenges in unmanned automated systems that operate in harsh Industrial environments”, said Ken Moore, Chief Executive Officer at Spark Connected.
Feature summary:
Supports the industry’s highest power levels on the smallest coils
High efficiency 80W charging without exotic thermal management
Supports future products and standards with a software upgrade
Built-in safety features, ensuring a safe and simple user charging experience
Products can be hermetically sealed and still allow charging / power deliveryPowered by the Infineon XMC™ Wireless Power Controller
“With the rapidly evolving manufacturing technology trends in Industry 4.0, wireless power can be a formidable tool that can solve key challenges in unmanned automated systems that operate in harsh Industrial environments.” – Ken Moore, CEO at Spark Connected.
Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades of combined deep domain expertise.
Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium.
Please forward inquiries to: Dana Veal/Ruwanga Dassanayake (972) 855-8026 sales(at)
I am a huge fan of wireless charging on my smartphone. The ability to top off my phone battery at any of the strategically located charging pads sprinkled around my home and office ensures the phone is always ready to perform any task I require. But did you realize that wireless power isn’t just for smartphones? From medical tablets in a busy doctor’s office, to autonomous inventory management robots and drones in a large fulfillment center, many devices can greatly benefit by removing cables and connectors.
Combine wireless power with next generation technologies powering IoT and Smart Factories, and you have a powerful recipe that can deliver the next wave of key applications all with a satisfying user experience.
If you want to learn more, and you are in Munich next week, stop by the electronica show in Messe München, Hall C3, Booth #502. I’ll see you there.
“See how innovations in wireless power are changing your world” – Ken Moore, CEO at Spark Connected.
Spark connected, a Texas based leading technology developer of advanced and innovative wireless power system solutions with deep domain expertise, today announced its new automotive in-cabin wireless charging solution for charging smart phones.
DALLAS (PRWEB) October 31, 2018
Spark Connected, a leading technology developer of advanced and innovative wireless power system solutions, today announced its new automotive in-cabin wireless charging solution for smartphones.
The solution named The Beast, is a 15 Watt Qi certified three-coil three-coil transmitter and is also certified for CISPR-25 Class 4 to meet strict automotive in-cabin emissions requirements for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Much can be improved with the way consumers charge their phones in their vehicles today – connectors do not always fit, cables get tangled and most of all connecting cables to devices while driving is certainly not very safe.
“The next frontier for wireless charging phones will be in the automotive segment with higher adoption rates in vehicles for ease of use and a better charging experience”, said Ruwanga Dassanayake, Chief Operating Officer at Spark Connected. “Spark Connected’s solution has gone through a robust certification process. This allows our automotive customers to adopt our technology with confidence and ease, minimizing expensive engineering effort while accelerating their products to market. The combination of CISPR-25 Class 4 and Qi certifications sets this solution apart and ahead of others in the industry”.
Supports future products and standards with a firmware upgrade
Fixed frequency architecture to meet strict automotive requirements
Full power charging with a 6 – 19V input supply, supporting stop/start
Supports multi-coil configurations (standard and custom)
Single Infineon AURIX™ Wireless Power Controller supports wireless charging, CAN and NFC interface functions and security features
In addition to Automotive, The Beast may be ideal for applications such as in-cabin smart phone charging for commercial airlines, trucks, trains, and cruise liners.
“The next frontier for wirelessly charging phones will be in the automotive market with higher adoption rates in vehicles. Spark’s solution is the most advanced in the market with CISPR-25 Class 4 and Qi certifications”, said Ruwanga Dassanayake, Chief Operating Officer at Spark Connected.
About Spark Connected
Spark Connected | powering the world, wirelessly Spark connected is an industry leader specializing in multiple advanced and safe wireless power technologies that benefits a wide variety of applications in theAutomotive, Industrial,Infrastructure, Medical, Robotics, Security, Factory Automation, IOT,Smart Home, andConsumermarkets. Spark is transforming wireless power delivery and intelligent battery charging with innovative platforms, disruptive technology and breakthrough products enabling an enhanced user experience for all. The company specializes in Product Development and Engineering Solutions with a team of passionate innovators with decades combined deep domain expertise.
AURIX™ is a trademark of Infineon Technologies AG.
Please forward inquiries to: sales(at) For more information visit: Spark Connected is a Full Member of the Wireless Power Consortium
In this video Ken from Spark Connected gives a quick overview on their latest wireless power solutions at APEC 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. The solution includes all components necessary to create a complete wireless charging system, compatible with the Qi wireless charging protocol.
Ken Moore, CEO at the 2018 global event Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) San Antonio, Texas